Saturday, March 24, 2012

Spring is Finally Here

Today was a very warm day just 2 days after our latest recorded snowfall in history at PDX
Today PDX hit 64 and that is just 2 days after a record breaking snow event.
Here is an image of the ducks stadium on Wednesday morning. 

 So the question is, is Spring here to stay? Well yes, let me explain.
Lets start at looking at what an average spring is here in the PNW,
The image below shows our average temperature for the spring months.
If you notice our regions average temperature ranges from 50-60 degrees
now lets take a look at the precipitation
According to this our region receives over 10 inches of rain in the spring months. 
So whats in our future? 
The image below shows the 18z GFS ensemble 850 mb temps (the red line represents average) 
 Notice how most of the ensembles stay around climatology meaning the high temperatures will stay in the 45-65 range through the next 16 days which is very close to our spring average
I will not post for the next 9-11 day due to a vacation I will be on.
My Forecast:
Thanks for reading 

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